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Here Comes the Sun: How to Protect Your Skin from Harmful Rays

Pool days are officially in session, and the beautiful summer sun appears to have finally broken through the recent Texas storms for hopefully the remainder of the season. While I can't wait to soak up some Vitamin D, I know I must be diligent to protect my fair-skinned family from the detrimental effects of overexposure to UV rays. But doing so isn't always easy considering most sunscreens on the shelf are chalked full of harmful ingredients. So here are five natural ways to protect your family's skin. 1. Cover Up! Invest in a swim top. When shopping for my kids' swim...

Vacation Mode: How to Eat Healthy and Clean while on a Trip

Summer is finally here! (Well, just about anyway.) I can almost hear the waves crashing against the beach and birds chirping while nothing but relaxation is happening. My family heads to Hawaii next month, and as excited as I am to go, I also know that I must mentally prepare myself for the enormous amount of {unhealthy} food that will be available. Eating well while on vacation is quite the task. As a mom passionate about food who also happens to be a frequent traveler, here are five tips that have helped me eat clean while on a trip. 1....

Hydration 101: Why Water Consumption is So Important

Written by LeighAnne Maloy, our Reboot21 Trainer Water! Yes! It is a necessity to our body! We need it to survive! Why do we need to drink water? Well, it nourishes our brain, lubricates our joints, maintains our normal body temperature, and helps our body rid itself of waste through perspiration, bowel movements and urination. That's just a small list of reasons that helps us understand why hydration is so important. Think of the body like a fishtank! When we are dehydrated, we cause our systems to become less efficient. Hydration is actually a higher priority for our body than eating food. It's kind of like...

Marpé + Instacart: Your grocery shopping just got a whole lot easier!

In our go-go-go culture with jam-packed schedules, convenience really is everything. Since you are reading this, my guess is you prioritize cooking healthy meals at home like I do. But as with most American families, it is likely a struggle to make this happen. Our mission at Marpé is to simplify this process for you with services that save you time and effort. And we are always looking for new and better ways to do just that. Recently, we stumbled upon a nifty little grocery delivery service called Instacart that is sure to make your life a whole lot...

Start Summer Off Right with Reboot21

Swimsuit season is just around the corner ... are you ready?! I know I'm not! Join me and my friends as we test out Marpé Wellness's brand new program, Reboot21!  Reboot21, is a three week nutrition and exercise regimen designed by yours truly with the help of a professional fitness trainer and under the guidance of Dr. Brown. By following this comprehensive plan, you will jump-start your metabolism and set yourself up for a fit and healthy summer. Why not focus on yourself for these last few weeks that the kids are in school?! I'm know I am going...

Two Remedies to Survive a Summer Cold

While cold and flu season is typically considered to be from October to January-ish, the truth is viruses are circulating all year round with certain ones being more common in the warmer months of spring and summer. Unfortunately, our middle son came down with our first cold of the year this past weekend. It started with a fever and headache in the wee hours of the morning and gradually progressed to include body aches later that day as well. Thankfully, we had our arsenal of homeopathic and natural remedies to turn to, and he was completely over it within...

7 Habits for Optimal Digestion

Sadly, the modern diet has introduced a plethora of digestive issues, and it's amazing how these discomforts, both minor and severe, can greatly impact one's health, sense of well-being, and quality of life. The paleo-based Dr. Brown Diet does much more than promote a healthy weight. Adhering to the following biochemically correct suggestions can reduce inflammation, stabilize blood sugar, optimize metabolic function, and finally, promote proper digestion. 1. Hydrate Adequately: Hydration plays such a critical role in the body's ability to properly digest food. Water keeps waste moving through the intestines by keeping the stool soft and lubricating the digestive tract. Like most experts, Dr. Brown...

Must-Have Remedies for Spring

It's about that time of year where the days are getting longer, and if your kids are like mine, they are probably spending most their afternoons outside catching bugs, playing in puddles, or jumping on the trampoline. With this beloved outdoor time also comes bug bites, bee stings, and the possibility of getting into some itchy plant. Nothing spoils an afternoon of fun like an attack of fire ants or an accidental fall into a patch of poison ivy! With a weekend full of Easter egg hunting coming up, its the perfect time to spotlight two of my favorite...

The Scoop on Dairy

Technically "to eat paleo" usually means to exclude all dairy products, but thankfully Dr. Brown's diet allows for a little more flexibility in this department. (Can I get an amen?!) Over the past 16 years that Dr. Brown has been in clinical practice, he has found that most his patients can tolerate cheese, milk and yogurt from goats and sheep but not the dairy from cows (with the exception of pasture butter). Apparently he is not the only one to notice such findings as evidence to support this notion can be found in both science and the Bible. So today we are going...

Fats and Oils: What’s the Skinny?

In 2017, it's safe to say that most people have been enlightened regarding the myth that all dietary fat is bad and should be avoided. Still, in this era where information is just a click away, it's easy to be overwhelmed by all the {sometimes} conflicting facts and opinions out there. So here's the skinny, according to Dr. Brown, on which fats and oils are beneficial and should be incorporated into your diet and which ones are harmful and should be avoided. Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. And when I say essential, I mean that in the literal...

The Remedy Every Mom Needs on Hand!

Well, this weekend was an eventful one for all the wrong reasons. My 6 year old middle son decided to test out his superhero skills by climbing up on our AC units and jumping over our wrought iron fence, a good 9 ft drop due to our retaining wall! Fortunately, he didn't roll when he landed and fall another 12 feet to our creek nor did he hit his head or neck. Unfortunately, though, he landed wrong and ended up with a spiral fracture to his left tibia. As has become custom in our house, I immediately ran to...

Going paleo: Where to Shop

If you have attempted eating a paleo-inspired diet at any point in your life, you have probably already realized that the typical grocery store just won't cut it. A simple shopping trip will probably turn into a tour of the city with 4-5 stops just to complete your weekly grocery list. Obviously, this is NOT the ideal way to shop, and it's likely to put you on the fast track to failure because let's face it...  "ain't nobody got time for that!"  Over the past few weeks we have discussed what to buy when going paleo but today I'd like to...
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Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

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